Voyages et loisirs

Les experts en tourisme craignent un long chemin vers la reprise

by Felix Richter, Statista Coming off the worst year in tourism history, there’s little sense of optimism in the travel industry in early 2021. Following an estimated...

22 passe-temps de personnes très réussies

The most successful people know there are more benefits to taking up a hobby than simply blowing off steam. Business InsiderFollowJan 17 · 9 min read By Hillary Hoffower...

Le prochain centre de sports électroniques de Shanghai atteste de l'empreinte croissante de l'industrie

By Richard Whiddington Shanghai is building a $900 million e-sports events hub set to open in 2024.The 6,000 seat venue will integrate additional entertainment...

Le secteur hôtelier de luxe de Dubaï fera face à des fermetures imminentes au cours des 3 prochains mois

 Posted On November 29, 2020 CPP-LUXURY With hundreds of hotels ranked ‘five star’, Dubai’s hospitality industry had been facing an identity crisis even before the pandemic,...

Rapport immobilier à Hawaii Par Elite Pacific Properties

Elite Pacific Properties is pleased to present a closer look at the luxury real estate market in Hawaii, showcasing detailed statistical analysis of Kauai,...

Le marché mondial des voyages et des loisirs

An overview of the segment and the impact of the Covid-19 Crisis Unlike other sector, the tourism segment encompasses a wide variety of tourism and...

Trump pourrait imposer davantage de droits de douane à la France dans le cadre de la bataille contre les taxes sur les grandes technologies

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Mike Pence made a surprise trip to Iraq to reassure Kurdish allies

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

Ce que les partis politiques britanniques promettent aux élections générales de 2019

Last week, news broke that James Dean will star in a new movie-64 years after his death. A production company called Magic City got...

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